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Care Hair Charitable Foundation is a non-profit, non-racial, non-political and non-religious organization based in New Delhi, dedicated to awareness of hygienic & healthy hair, delivering free haircut, hair care, and providing hair prevention & control, among the underprivileged, poor, physically handicapped, down syndrome, indigent children and elderly population of India.  It was established in 2012.

what we do?

In Free Haircutting Programs organized by Care Hair India, a team of professional hairstylists extends selfless services ‘Free Sewa’ of providing regular hair treatment and Haircuts services to poor, blind, differently-abled and underprivileged children belonging to various NGO’s in Delhi/NCR areas. We aim to deliver our doorstep services quite often (as and when required) as these children do not have the privilege to visit regular Salons and get benefitted with the available facilities. We extend our services to other deprived sections of the society as well especially poor young girls, they may also never get a chance to visit a salon in their lifetime.  At Care Hair India, we believe that a single haircut can help uplift the human spirit of any child.

why we do?

Our objective at Care Hair India is to uplift the human spirit by enhancing the dignity and self-esteem of poor, disabled and underprivileged children by providing them with the healing touch of proper hair care. Along with this our main focus is to educate, inform and guide these NGOs on the subject of common hair disease’s that often can lead to life-threatening situations for these helpless and unaware children. Disease like Alopecia (lice in the hair) causes severe irritation and constant scratching often leave the children bleeding from their scalp. In a nutshell, Care Hair India provides free haircuts and free healthcare advice on how to prevent hair diseases.

how we do?

The concept of Care Hair India is simple....a team of professional hairstylist's visit various NGO's in the Delhi/NCR area. We extend our selfless Sewa of providing complimentary (FREE) haircuts to poor, disabled and underprivileged children. 

"We believe that every child deserves a decent haircut"

Our Mission

Care Hair India's mission is to serve humanity by supporting and working closely with existing health and community organizations to monitor hair related problems, detect and investigate their causes and to implement special preventive hair care programs.

Our Mission

Our Vision

What most people fail to understand is that our general health and well being, what we eat or how we live, is intricately tied to our hair’s healthiness as well. Therefore, CHCF organization is driven by the vision of a world in which every person has an equal opportunity to have the privilege of healthy & hygienic hair by way of inculcating in them good cultural hair care habits to improve their health and overall personality. The motivation is to put a smile on every face and to make a huge difference in their lives.

We Need Your Support Today!

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